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Crystals - Super Seven Pendant - Sterling Silver

Crystals - Super Seven Pendant - Sterling Silver

Regular price $150.00 AUD
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Jewellery is a wonderful way to keep your crystals close to you throughout the day. Wear them against your skin to help balance your energy and provide you with the benefits for which you chose it.

This pendant has been lovingly hand crafted with polished 925 Sterling Silver.

Photos are of the exact pendant that you will receive. 

Stone size: mm x mm

About Super Seven

Moldavite is a tektite which is found in Czechoslovakia and was formed during meteoritic action which produced a "strew field" of this beautiful green stone. It is one of the rarest varieties of tektite, was formed over 15 million years ago, and is the only known "gem quality" stone of extra-terrestrial origin.

Chakras - Third-eye, the throat chakra, and in the area of the crown chakra.
Zodiac - Astrological Sign of All - Scorpio Predominant
Planet -
Vibration - Numbers 2 and 6
Typical colours - Varying shades of green

Healing with Moldavite

♥ Transformation ♥ Higher communication ♥ Existential understanding ♥ Clarity ♥ Psychic vision

In addition to the qualities listed in the TEKTITE section below, the following properties are applicable.

Moldavite is a stone to serve the inhabitants of this planet. It stimulates cooperation between those of extra-terrestrial origins and those who are experiencing life on Earth. It carries one beyond the mirage of life, to a home from which one has been absent, providing the image of eternity and the vision and energy to translate the image into reality.

It holds immense potential, for direct interdimensional accessing of higher dimensional galactic energies, to draw into the Earth plane those thought-patterns and light-vibrations which are optimal to ones preparation for ascension and illumination. It facilitates strong, clear, and direct interdimensional interconnected-ness between ones consciousness and the higher planes of light. It expands the scope and the magnitude of the vibrational spectrums which one can approach, while allowing for a more encompassing passageway to those spectrums of which one already has access; that is, one will "see" more clearly and will "see" with an expansion of vision within the vibrational territory to which one has ventured, and/or one will be provided the inter-connection with the multi-dimensional horizons not yet experienced.

** Information from

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